
Take One School of Mass Communication

19+ Years of Excellence in Media Education!
TakeOne House, East of Kailash, New Delhi
Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure

Mode of selection: The prospectus and Admission forms for the coming academic session may be obtained from Take one school of mass communication , by submitting cash/ draft for Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only), payable to Take One school of Mass Communication, New Delhi. This can be done through courier or in person.
Applicants must apply on the prescribed form. The application forms duly filled in along with the required testimonials must be submitted in the office by the due date.
The final selection is done on the basis of a written test followed by a personal interview.
The list of selected candidates will be displayed on the office notice board.

Students are assessed as individuals according to their relevant skills, abilities and merits and all have equal access to learning opportunities within the school. Our selection process allows for the widest possible range of initial applications and we are actively seeking to redress imbalances within the industry by encouraging dynamic people with appropriate talents and skills to apply, whatever their ethnic or national origin, age, gender, class, sexual orientation, disability, religious or political beliefs.